
The Rabbit Listened - The Transforming Power of Presence with Cori Doerrfeld

Where Self-Kindness and Kindness for Others Intersect

What do our children and loved ones really need when things go wrong? Often it’s not our words, but rather it’s our simple presence. In this insightful interview with Cori Doerrfeld, Jamie Lynn and Cori discuss why it’s so hard to remember that what people (including our children!) often need most is our patient listening ear.

And it’s not just others who need our presence, but we also need our own loving presence. Cori Doerrfeld is the author of one of Jamie Lynn’s favorite children’s books, The Rabbit Listened. Jamie Lynn and Cori’s interview unpacks how the book can serve as a jumping off point for teaching kids (and grown-ups!) how to best show up for others and how to treat ourselves with kindness when we are struggling.

Cori Doerrfeld is both author and illustrator of many awesome books, including The Rabbit Listened, Ready to Soar, and Beneath. Her website is https://www.coridoerrfeld.com/, and you can find her on social media @coridoerrfeld.


For more resources to help children and caregivers grow resilience and self-compassion, including the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, visit https://jamielynntatera.com.

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