
Parenting with Self-Compassion

Practical Tips and Personal Stories from Dr. Christine Lathren

Listen to Jamie Lynn’s favorite podcast episode so far! This rich conversation with Dr. Christine Lathren includes:

  • Perfectionism in parenting

  • Letting go of the lie that we can control outcomes if we do everything “right”

  • Not taking things personally

  • Being there for ourselves during our kids’ difficult moments.

  • How stress plus self-compassion builds resilience

  • What the research says about the power of self-compassion and the power of being part of a community who shares our struggles

Dr. Christine Lathren and Jamie Lynn discuss how self-compassion can transform not only our lives, but our whole family, as well as practical tips for what this looks like in parenting and in all of our relationships. Christine Lathren is an MD, researcher, and mom of two boys.

For more resources to help children and caregivers grow resilience and self-compassion, visit https://jamielynntatera.com.

Sign up for Jamie Lynn’s newsletter to receive weekly tips on helping kids and grown-ups grow mindfulness and self-compassion resources: https://jamielynntatera.com/newsletter/.