Jamie Lynn's daughter, Maya Lynn, is the vibrant little being that brought Jamie Lynn to Mindful Self-Compassion (through repeated tantrums in the early years ;). Maya Lynn is now 16 years-old, and she not only has her own mindful self-compassion practice, but also has helped Jamie Lynn create the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbooks for Kids.
Podcast highlights include:
Maya shares about post pandemic-related social anxiety (3:30)
How to open to emotions - “What you resist persists” (5:05)
Examples of how she uses self-compassion in sports (7:00)
Maya’s experience creating and teaching the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids (10:05)
Tips for helping kids learn self-compassion (hint: use play!) (10:45)
A workbook preview by Maya Lynn (14:30)
What’s your inner voice like?
Comics!! (15:45)
The Quest (17:17)
Relatability - Real Kids and Real Quotes (19:20)
Fun Activities & Animals (20:25)
The Research (20:45)
Feelings Habit Animals (21:05)
A Diamond (23:00)
The We Are in It Together Song - composed by Maya Lynn and performed by Jamie Lynn’s family
For more resources to help children and caregivers grow resilience and self-compassion, including the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, visit https://jamielynntatera.com.
If you’d like to have a companion on your parenting journey and receive weekly tips on how to help kids (and yourself!) grow mindful self-compassion, sign up for Jamie Lynn’s We Are In it Together Substack: https://jamielynntatera.com/newsletter/.
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