Hello Friends,
Sometimes I have the Beaver Feelings Habit, which means my brain can be a little sticky. And lately my beaver brain has been a bit obsessed with helping people discover my wonderfully healing workbook for kids!
But here’s the good news about all of the feelings habits (you can take the feelings quiz if you don’t yet know your feelings animal): our little glitchy brains can be a force for good as long as we balance them with resilience habits (stay tuned for a RESILIENCE quiz…coming soon).
So, I’m happy to report that we have 27 five-star reviews on Amazon for my workbook for kids! THANK YOU to all who have reviewed the workbook. My wish is to have at least 50 five-star reviews/ratings by Christmas. More reviews equals more people discovering this awesome healing resource for kids.
Speaking of Christmas (or whichever holidays you celebrate), the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1, is an awesome stocking stuffer. And if your child takes the feelings habit quiz online before they get the book, you could also buy them a little stuffed animal with their feelings animal. That would be an A+ gift for a kid. Remember, this is no ordinary workbook. The other day a mom emailed me about how her 10-year-old son responded to the workbook (I received permission to share her email):
Hi Jamie Lynn,
Oh my goodness. He's super engaged with the workbook! Which I wasn't totally expecting, not because the workbook isn't fabulous but because of my son’s personality and the fact that we've done our share of workbooks over the years.
We're only on the second adventure so far, but he's requesting to do the activities when he has a moment of spare time (he can absolutely do them on his own, but so far he likes us to be together - which makes me happy!). He loves to read and write (more so than talk), so the workbook format is perfect for him in that he's inspired to write things that would be too difficult to say. Some of the responses that he's written have brought me to tears (ex: I feel sad when I feel like I'm not good enough). The "kid guides" and the animals are really resonating with him.
I'm so excited to introduce your workbook to some of the families that I support (this is what I do). And, writing a glowing review of your workbook is on my to-do list, and it is coming!
Thank you.
Rachel P.
I love it when people share these experiences with me. Feel free to reply to this email with your own experience. Below I have links for the feelings quiz, the workbook, and the stuffed animals (you can click the button below):
Thank you for listening to me share so much about my workbook. I created it with such love, and it’s great for kids, so I’m very passionate about it.
Also, if you’d like to attend a free Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for Children and Caregivers (MSC-CC) intro session with me next week, you can register here.
Wishing you love, joy, and compassion,
Jamie Lynn
P.S. Here’s a picture of my mom holding the workbook when she received it, and my daughter, Maya, at our booth at a local event for teens’ mental health. And I had to add a picture of my youngest daughter doing cat yoga because it’s just so cute (scroll down to see the cat)!!